As absurd as this sound their are some foods which look and are harmless but to lethal to those who are expectant. I am not taking about the usual drugs, alcohol and coffee, no these are nutritional foods that can actually make you lose your baby. Here are some foods you probably didn't know were harmful to your unborn child.


Papayas, especially the green semi ripe ones are known to cause miscarriages. They contain an enzyme uterine contraction, which can even cause your baby to be born prematurely.


Did you know that pineapple juice is used in alot of cases in delivery to make it easier and faster. This is because pineapple contains bromelain which smoothens the uterine muscles. Eating a pineapple during your earlier months of pregnancy can cause a miscarriage.


An expectant mother is usually adviced to stay clear of eggs ang egg products like mayonnaise and protein shakes. This is because undercooked or raw eggs when ingested cause food poisoning and salmonella resulting in a miscarriage.


It is common sense that a person with a baby should eat animal liver because it's jam packed witg nutrients. Quit the contrary actually. Liver is filled with vitamin A and cholesterol which can affect the foetus. Liver can also can also contain toxins from it's carrier.


The medicinal herb with a dark background. For no reason should a mother to be eat or drink anything containing aloe vera. This is because aloe vera can lead to pelvic hemorrhage causing a miscarriage.


Unpasteurized milk is milk that is unboild (raw) or untreated. Just like its other protein give, eggs, raw milk can cause food poisoning to the mother cause a miscarriage.