Onions is an underground plant, It Grows in subtropical climates. Grows up to 60 cm. Best for cancer and diabetes.
Do you want to skip lessons? Place the onion in your armpit. You will sleep. When you wake up, you will have a fever. Don't worry! Nothing bad will happen. Only your parents will worry and do what you want.
Benefits of Onion Peel
1. The outer skin is a rich source of quercetin. That's behind the properties of onion skins:
Anti - allergic
Anti - inflammatory
Reduces LDL cholesterol
2. Hair health: Strengthen hair and fight dandruff. This improves hair color and gives them a bright and shiny look.
Health Benefits of Onion
Onion! ! I think of tears and spicy taste. Have you ever wondered how these tears work for your eyes? These tears remove all dust particles and other intruders from the eye. This improves your outlook and prevents you from cataracts. Its purity helps blood to circulate throughout the body. It causes sweating. Sweat helps effectively to eliminate fever, colds, flu, and other infections.
Do you know the magnetic strength of onions? Attracts all microbes and bacteria. When someone gets sick, keep the onions under the person's feet. Place a few pieces of onion near the person. They will remove toxins from the body. Do you want to breathe bacteria - free air? Cut onions and cut into various parts of your house overnight. You get clean air free of bacteria. Small steps become steps towards a healthy life.
Eating raw onions protects you from heatstroke, lowers bad cholesterol, and reduces the risk of a heart attack. If you think you can, take the juice. Many studies claim that onion juice is one of the most powerful tonics. Mix a little onion juice with a little honey. Put one or two drops in your eyes every day. This is your passport for healthy, long - lived eyes.
Baldness! ! Cut fresh onions. Squeeze your juice. Rub it on your scalp with your fingertips for 10 minutes. Do it twice a week. After 2 to 3 months you can see new hair.
Onions are rich in natural antioxidants called quercetin. This protects the body and prevents cell damage from free radicals.
Onion juice works for sunburn. Rub the chopped onion on the affected area and remove sunburn.
It has antibacterial properties that help kill infections and heal wounds.
To cough! ! Try a teaspoon of onion juice with honey. Relieves sore throat and cough.
Anemia! ! You can increase the HB level with onions and soccer balls.
Oral Problems! ! Get used to chew a few pieces of onion every day. Kills germs in your mouth.
Low Libido! ! This is the natural phase of one's life. Various home remedies not only increase libido but also mood. Above all, energy is a prerequisite for energetic. The nature of warm and sharp concoctions ignites a fire. And onions contain both.
If, during the day, and onion, you eat
At night, you may perform any feat.
How to prepare the herb ????
Onion for Impotence
Onion bears Aphrodisiac property. It curbs the Impotence by its continuous use.
Take half Onion. Peel it and cut in to pieces. Put in a pan and add 50 ml water. Boil until it remains one - fourth. Let it cool. Divide the preparation in to two parts. Have it with Honey twice a day.
Onion for Dysuria
Boil 10 g Onion pieces in a 40 ml water. Drink 10 ml of it twice a day.
Onion for Baldness
The high content of Sulfur present in Onion boosts the production of collagen tissues. This helps to regrow new Hair and treat Baldness.
Add 4 to 5 chopped Onions in one liter boiling water. Boil it for 5 to 10 minutes on medium flame. Let it cool. Strain well and use it to rinse your Hair. Leave it for 1 hour. Wash off your Hair with any mild Shampoo. Repeat this 2 to 3 times a week for 3 months.
Onion for Scabies
Boil the skins of 4 - 5 Onions for Half an hour in 4 cups of water.
Let it cool, then apply the liquid all over your body.
Onion for Water Retention
Boil a chopped onion in 150 ml of water for 3 minutes. Add a pinch of salt. Turn off the flame. Strain it into a cup. Drink it thrice a day to treat yourself.
Side Effects Onion
Excess use may cause burning sensation in chest.