Feminism is the belief in social, economic, and political equality of genders. The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities in society. Although the year is 2020, the genders are far from being equal. Despite the fact that feminism is a positive movement, contributing to societal and political change, some people are still reluctant to the idea. Well, that’s where we come in – we will try to convince you one more time: Here are 10 reasons why we should all be feminists.

#1. The Gender Wage Gap and Sexism at Work is Still an Issue

It’s 2020, why are we still discussing this? Why should women be paid less than men for doing the exact same job and for the exact amount of hours? This issue is really problematic in all types of industry. The gender wage gap in the film industry is still an issue, and did you know that women’s sports get way less funding than men’s? Even though women are just as great athletes as men. Don’t you think that Serena Williams deserves the same salary as Roger Federrer? hmm!

Moreover, sexism in the workplace is still a very real thing. No, don’t address us with a cute nickname, instead, address us correctly with our professional title! I’m not your “sweetie” or “love”! Sexual harassment in workplaces are prevelent and career experts advise women not to report it. Really?

Finally, did you know that women with children are less likely to be hired than men with kids. So men with kids can still perform at work but women with kids can’t? Right!

#2. The Sexualization-objectification And Criticism of Women’s Bodies

Why are women and girls so often the victims of violence? Unfortunately, there is no single answer to that question. However, when women and girls are repeatedly objectified and their bodies hypersexualized, this does contribute to harmful gender stereotypes that often trivialize violence against women.

Moreover, why is abortion still not allowed in most countries? Even when a woman is rapped, she can’t get an abortion? That’s controlling and discussing. My body, my choice! And in most societies birth control is still a controversial issue but Viagra isn’t. SERIOUSLY? Women should have the right to decide what happens to their bodies. You don’t get a say for this body unless you live in it! Period!

Most dress codes primarily target the appearance of women and this just adds to the sexualization of women. Women are blamed to be a distraction if they dress revealingly, yet, people who are distracted are not a problem?

Finally, we have all heard this; “He’s mean to you because he likes you!” Really? NO! Am I supposed to be flattered when I’m catcalled or harassed?

#3. Why Do People Blame The Victim?

Victim shaming is a major issue and it needs to stop! It’s never the victim’s fault. No, her dressing is not for you and no she’s not asking for it by dressing like that.

Being a woman means being afraid of walking home alone at night. Feeling unsafe that an untrained dog will attack her because it’s her fault right? Why is she walking home alone – heck why is she even outside at this time? She’s asking for it. SHAME!

Moreover, have you noticed that in domestic abuse situations, more often people ask her; “why did you stay so long” and never him “Why did you abuse her?” Obviously it’s her own fault that she got abused and stayed for more.

Side note, why do we have a hard time believing that men can be victims of domestic abuse as well. That’s ignorance at its finest.

#4. Traditional View of Masculinity and Femininity

Gender stereotypes are still a thing! Where men are typically perceived as more masculine than women, whereas women are typically perceived as more feminine than men. Femininity and masculinity has nothing to do with gender or sexual orientation!  Why are men criticized for showing “too much emotion?” and seen as “feminin”? And no! Women are not on their period when she passionately expresses her emotions. Nope, we can still be angry without all the other symptoms. Finally, “stop acting like a girl” is not an acceptable thing to say! Acting like a girl should not and is not an insult. Got it?

#5. Gender Roles And Expectations Still Play a Significant Role in Marriage And family

When women get married, they are expected to change their last name and take their husbands’. Why though? And why are women’s prefixes – Miss and Mrs. – defined by their marital status, yet men only have one, Mr.? Why is it important to know women’s marital status?

Moreover, a woman is perceived as a bad parent if she has a demanding career but a man is seen as a good provider but not a bad parent? And why is it not normal for a man to be a stay-at-home dad? Even though men can also be homemakers. You know why? Because men are still generally thought of as the breadwinner and women as home-makers. WAF!

Finally, women who don’t want kids are seen as abnormal. Well, it’s okay if you don’t want to be a mother!

#6. Equal Access To Education

Continuing gender inequalities prevail as regards access to education in most developing countries. So many girls are denied an education because of their gender. Everyone is entitled to an education, regardless of gender. Girls are just as smart as boys and they should be allowed to take their education and make a life for themselves.

#7. Most Film Still Fail The Bechdel Test

We do talk about boys but come on! Ask yourself whether the last film you watched did or did not feature at least two named women discussing something other than a man?

#8. Certain Things Are Seen As “Women’s Thing”

Who even decided that certain clothes were only for certain genders? And why are only women expected to wear makeup? But it’s odd for straight men to do. If makeup makes you feel good, then you should wear it, regardless of your gender or sexual orientation.

Some jobs are still perceived as “women’s work” or “men’s work.” It’s not a big deal, if a woman wants to be a truck driver or a construction worker, and a man wants to be a nurse practitioner — where is the damn problem?

#9. He’s A Legend But She’s a Slut

Women who are promiscuous are perceived as sluts, not wifey material (whatever that is) but men who are promiscuous are typically seen as legends.

#10. We Simply Wants Gender Equality

Who doesn’t want equality for all genders? Seriously, why wouldn’t we want everyone to be equal? Why should a gender be a factor in anything?

Final Thought

Are you convinced? If not then we are sorry we couldn’t help you… you’re helpless anyway! Seek counseling and figure out why you think women are inferior to men.

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