On one hand, it can be quite relieving to not get your period. No worries about leakages, tampon purchases (although these worries are eliminated if you opt for the handy menstrual cups ) and the frustrating PMS. But, on the other hand, not getting your period can cause you more stress than when you actually get it at the time you expected it. To find a way to resolve your cycle situation, you have to figure out the cause of your problem. Check out our article for 8 possible reasons why your period is late.
The first thought that comes into a woman’s mind when she misses her period is that she is pregnant. Although pregnancy is the most well-known cause for a missing period, it is not the only thing which could contribute to a late period. If you are confident you are not pregnant, there could be many other potentially serious reasons why you didn’t get your period. Here are some of the reasons why you may not be getting your period :
#1. Birth Control
If you just started a new birth control method, you can expect some changes in your cycle . It is usually hormonal birth control options such as the pill, implants and hormonal IUDs which can cause missed periods. If you just went off birth control, you can expect a late period as well as your body adjusts to the changes.
#2. Stress
Never underestimate the effects of stress on your body. Apart from creating hormonal imbalances, stress can affect your hypothalamus, the sector of your brain in charge of regulating your menstrual cycle. Moreover stress can also lead to weight changes and illness, both of which can also cause missed periods. Try to find effective ways to relieve stress to prevent this from happening.
#3. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
If, in addition to a missed period, you notice that you’ve got more acne than usual, unexpected weight gain and extra body hair, you might have to consider PCOS as a cause for a late period . PCOS is a condition which prevents your egg from maturing, thereby preventing ovulation and leading to a missed period. Consult with your doctor to get an exam or blood test which will show if you’ve got PCOS so that you can find the right ways to treat it.
#4. Obesity
According to an Australian study, obese women are much more likely to have irregular cycles as compared to women with a healthy weight. The excess weight in your body can cause hormonal issues which would interfere with your period. Moreover, excess weight is linked to PCOS which might also be the cause of a late period. Check up with your doctor to find a suitable diet plan and exercise routine which would help you fight or prevent obesity.
#5. Low Body Weight
Just like obesity can contribute to a late period, sudden weight loss or very low body weight may prevent your period from coming at the right time. Eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia nervosa, which are characterised by weight problems tend to cause missed periods. If you are underweight or suddenly lose a lot of weight, it can change your normal bodily functions which could stop ovulation and therefore prevent your period from coming. If you have problems with low body body weight, consult with your doctor to get treatment and decide on a healthy plan to get you on track to a normal healthy weight.
#6. Serious Illness
Certain severe illnesses, such as the flu, could throw off your cycle and cause a late period . This is because the disease puts too much pressure on the part of your brain which regulates hormones, thereby creating an imbalance. The same thing applies to chronic diseases which can also affect your menstrual cycle. A chronic disease like diabetes, for instance, is characterized by blood sugar changes and this is linked to hormonal changes which could ultimately lead to irregular periods.
#7. Extreme Workouts
Having your routine workout sessions is by no means important. However, overexercising may actually be more detrimental to your menstrual cycle than you think. This is because consistent unregulated workouts may put a lot of strain on your body which can prevent it from functioning normally. This would ultimately affect your cycle and lead to a late or missed period.
#8. Pregnancy
Even though you might be on birth control, always consider the possibility of pregnancy if you realise your period is late . There is no birth control method, even when used correctly, which is a 100% guarantee that you will not conceive. If your home pregnancy test result comes out negative, yet your period still has not started, consider paying a visit to your doctor.
When to Consult Your Doctor
It is only your doctor who can adequately assess you and diagnose the reason for your missed period. Make sure to keep a record of your cycle in order to show it to your doctor for him to make a proper diagnosis.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, contact your doctor immediately:
Severe pain
Heavy and/or unusual bleeding
Prolonged bleeding (longer than 7 days)
Nausea and vomiting
If you ever miss your period, one of the causes we’ve set up above might be the culprit. And if your missed period is really stressing you out, in order not to worsen your situation, always consult your doctor first before you take any active steps to bring your cycle back to normal.
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