There are many ways which guarantee quick weight loss through the use of supplements, meal replacement plans, fad diets and the like. Sure, these can help you lose weight fast but more often than not, they tend to leave you feeling hungry, angry and unsatisfied. Usually, when you lose weight with such methods, you tend to gain it back. But the goal is to get the perfect healthy weight and maintain it. This can be achieved with the help of certain tips that will aid in your weight loss journey… in a fast but healthy way. Keep reading to find out our top 10 tips to lose weight fast and maintain it.
There are quite a number of reasons why people are not able to maintain a healthy weight and keep regaining weight after losing it. The most common reasons for such an occurrence are:
Restrictive diets: If you follow a very restrictive diet, your metabolism may become slower and your appetite-regulating hormones might be shifted. This is due to the extreme calorie restriction which eventually contributes to weight regain.
Wrong mindset: If you rely too much on a diet as a quick way to lose weight, instead of taking measures which would be long-term solutions to improve your health, you will probably give up the routine easily and gain back a lot of the weight you lost.
Absence of sustainable habits: Diets generally focus more on strict and restrictive rules rather than sustainable changes in lifestyle and habits. Long-term, this might discourage you and thereby cause you to regain the weight you lost.
Now that we’ve established why most people regain weight, here are the 10 best ways to maintain weight loss:
1. Always Eat Breakfast
Breakfast happens to be the most important meal of the day and skipping it will not help you lose weight. On the other hand, if you skip breakfast, you will end up getting hungrier during the day and snacking more. Try to eat high protein breakfast (eggs, Greek yoghurt, whole-grain cereal) everyday to reduce the possibility of cravings later in the day.
#2. Reduce Your Portion Size
Reduce your portion size by using smaller plates for your meals. By doing this, you’ll gradually cut down your calorie-intake which will help lose weight quickly. With time, you’ll get used to eating smaller portions without feeling unsatisfied.
#3. Take It Easy With Alcohol
Beer, wine, spirits.. Many alcoholic drinks are made from starch and sugar and therefore contain a lot of calories. In fact, an ordinary glass of your favorite wine may have as many calories as a piece of chocolate. You’ll have to reduce your alcohol consumption if you’re determined to achieve a
gorgeous hourglass figure .
4. Manage Your Eating Habit
Sometimes we engage in emotional eating, that is eating when bored, angry, sad or anxious. To prevent unnecessary weight gain and promote weight loss, try to recognize these habits and prevent yourself from eating due to your emotions. To lose weight fast, eat only when you are hungry, ban yourself from eating late at night and avoid any distractions (such as TV or work) when eating.
#5. Pay Attention to Food LSlowly
Always read the labels on foods before adding them to your cart. Check the ingredients and calorie information to see how well the food would fit into your planned meals and weight loss plan. Based on your meal plan, make a weekly shopping list and use that to avoid even looking at foods (much less their labels!) which do not fit into your weight loss plan.
#6. Eat Slowly
When you eat quickly, you tend not to realize how much you’ve actually eaten and this may lead to overeating. Overtime, this leads to weight gain. Try to eat slowly and savour the food. This would make you feel full faster and also boost hormones which help in weight reduction.
#7. Drink Liquids
Sometimes, you might think you’re hungry, when in fact you’re just thirsty. To lose weight faster, drink a lot of liquids which help with weight loss. This includes detox drinks , water, delicious smoothies , coffee and tea. When it comes to water, try to drink it about half an hour before your meal as it will prevent you from feeling hungrier and overeating later.
#8.Get Quality Sleep
Poor sleep has been proven to contribute to weight gain. How long you sleep affects the regulation of leptin and ghrelin which are appetite controlling hormones. It is therefore very important to get at least 7 hours per night of good quality sleep. This will not only help you function well during the day time but will also boost your body processes and metabolism thereby preventing weight gain and encouraging healthy weight loss.