Age is just a number! ! ! ! ! . You might have gotten very used to hearing that proverb. It is very true albeit that a time will always come in life when reality kicks in, when people realize that age has caught up with them.

Aging cab be likened to an ailment without cure, one that cannot entirely be avoided but with the best practices in life, it can be delayed and old age can be enjoyed. 68 - year - old Ellen Ector proves just that. 

Hailing from the United States, the mother of 5 quit her job as a social worker and went on to start a career in fitness training back in 2009.According to her, she quit the job because she did not want to work for someone else all her life.

Throughout her 11-years in the fitness industry, she has found a huge amount of success. She co-owns Gymnetics Fitness and GymJuice in Atlanta, USA. Alongside her daughter Lana, she also releases a fitness DVD series known as Black Girls Workout Too. Below are gorgeous photos of her daughter Lana.

Ellen became a fitness enthusiasts because she wanted a job where she will be her own boss but that has given her a body that one would hardly imagine is 68 – year – old. 

The first phrase from her Instagram Bio reads “68 years YOUNG! ! ! ! ” and every single letter in every single word of that phrase is true.

If you are a lady who needs tips on how to stay fit and look younger than you really are, here is Ellen’s advice for you.

Be Patient. You have to take baby steps. Don’t use your body as a dump. Stop dumping in boyfriend problems, Stop dumping in bad food.

Who is in a better position to give tips on staying ever young than a 68 – year – old woman who looks way younger that her age and is continuously proving that age is just a number? No one I guess.