It is commonly known that bitter kola is a very powerful seed used locally and even by specialists all over the world to treat various infections and diseases. But when it is mixed with groundnut the result it brings forth is a typical example of what we call amazing. Below are some of the health benefits of eating bitter kola and groundnut. 

1. It is very good for pregnant women You may or may have not heard that bitter kola and groundnut is good for pregnant women and you might be asking how or why I say this. This mixture is high in protein and foliate. Folic acid is an essential element that pregnant women need to avoid any kind of birth defect and contribute to the proper development of the brain and spine.

2. Improves bed performance

Bitter kola does not only improve your drive, it strengthens libido in men who take it. It is advised to chew bitter kola and groundnut two minutes before performing on bed. The bitter Kola will prove to be very effective if you take it.  lowers the risk of cancer
Groundnut especially is one of the food crops that have antioxidants in then such as polyphenol which helps to protect the internal organs if the body from diseases like cancer and heart issues. It also boosts the strength of the immune system by flushing out dangerous toxins from the body

So, now that it has been explained properly. If you want to effectively utilize the above benefits, ensure that you chew bitter kola and groundnut every single morning when you wake up from sleep and before you go to bed at night for 7 good days.