Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the Leader of IPOB, Has called on 3 individuals who do not belive in Biafra Agitation to Co-host Live broadcast with him.
He said this in a statement posted on his official Facebook Page on Friday.
I need three people who do NOT believe in Biafra agitation or IPOB’s approach to topical issues, to co-host the LIVE broadcast with me this evening at 7pm Biafraland Time. Ideally the 3 individuals should come from the following backgrounds.
1. A Christian religious scholar of outstanding intellectual ability.
2. An intelligent Nigerian patriot by which I mean a staunch defender of Nigeria’s unity and opponent of Biafra independence.
3. A Native Doctor of sound mind.
“Please note that three of us will co-host the program together not just my humble self. This will afford us an opportunity to dispel all the myth surrounding our message of liberation and hopefully chart a new course of enlightenment and reason for the benefit of the people.”
Strong internet connection, two internet enabled devices and a Skype account. We would all connect via Skype whilst the other device, preferably a laptop or tablet will be used as a research tool.
Strong internet connection, two internet enabled devices and a Skype account. We would all connect via Skype whilst the other device, preferably a laptop or tablet will be used as a research tool.
Should you wish to join me tonight as a co-host on my program, please indicate by providing your Skype name and a brief description of your area of competence based on the criteria outlined above. You will be connected to the program via Skype at about 6.55pm this evening.
“When viewing or thinking a thought, always clarify it for the value of its logic and reason; divest it of imagination, mystery, and all falseness; see the clear intent, whether constructive or otherwise, and never compromise with illogicality; a statement is, or is not. See it for what it really is, and do not attempt to clothe it with personality; this is what so often leads to jumping to conclusions and self-pity.” –ALFRED J. PARKER