> New Study Suggests That Cannabis Could Help Stop The Spread Of COVID-19

New Study Suggests That Cannabis Could Help Stop The Spread Of COVID-19

Studies have been made collectively by the most qualified and able scientists on the planet since the coronavirus introduced itself, but what if the right medicine has been right under our noses all along?
A new study has been published by researchers in Alberta, Canada, which states that cannabis could be used to fight COVID-19. The study has been published on Preprints, an online platform dedicated for academic research papers, which you can obtain for free. The study doesn't claim that cannabis can cure the disease entirely, but the findings have stated that the famous plant "can help curtail disease spread and reduce mortality" of the virus.
A group of researchers at the University of Lethbridge and the University of Calgary studied over 400 Health Canada-approved THC- and CBD-dominant strains, finding that 13 of them—more specifically sativas high in CBD—can regulate the protein receptor ACE2 (this receptor targets the virus when it is based in the mouth and lungs). The study then goes on to state that some strains were able to reduce virus receptor activity.
This information may seem a little complicated, but in a nutshell: certain strains of cannabis interact with the same receptors in the body as COVID-19, therefore intake will reduce risk of infection in the virus' most targeted areas. 
News like this is pretty groundbreaking, especially for all the stoners out there, however it hasn't been fully regulated and reviewed by scientists, so self-medication is still not recommended in places where the drug is illegal.You can read the full report here.

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