We all know that it is extremely important to drink sufficient water to stay hydrated and drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. We also pay special attention to drink water that is free of contaminants by installing top qualitywater purifiers. However, are you aware of the fact that the temperature of water you drink can also affect your health? Most of us drink a glass of chilled water right after returning from work, especially during summer to quench our thirst and remove exhaustion. However, many of us are not aware of the fact that drinking chilled water can do more harm than good. In this blog, we discuss the harmful effects of drinking chilled water. Read on.

Cold Water Effects your Digestion

One of the main reasons to avoid drinking chilled water is because it has a serious implication on your digestion. Chilled water as well as some cold beverages contract the blood vessels and also restrict digestion. The natural process of absorbing nutrients during digestion is hindered when you consume chilled water. The reason is your body’s focus is diverted from digestion to regulating the body temperature and the chilled water. Your body needs to spend extra energy to regulate the body temperature when you consume anything which has a very low temperature. The extra energy is actually necessary for proper digestion and absorbing the nutrients which is hindered.

Decreases Heart Rate

Another reason to avoid drinking chilled water is because it decreases the heart rate. Studies have shown that drinking chilled water not only decreases the heart rate but also stimulates the vagus nerve. The nerve which controls the involuntary functions of the body. The nerve is also an integral part of the nervous system. As the vagus nerve is directly affected by the low temperature of water, the heart rate eventually slows down.

Shocks your Body

Drinking chilled water after a strenuous work out should be strictly avoided. Many people make the mistake of drinking chilled water,especially during summer after working out. However, according to gym experts, it is advisable to drink warm water after work out. Your body generates a lot of heat when you work out. If you drink chilled water, there is a temperature mismatch which takes a toll on your digestive health. Your body also finds it difficult to absorb cold water after work out. Drinking chilled water right after work out may lead to chronic stomach pain as extremely cold water shocks your body.

Effects Fat Breakdown

Drinking chilled water immediately after a meal also interferes with your body’s ability to breakdown fats. The cold temperature of water solidifies fats from the foods and as a result it becomes difficult for your body to breakdown the unwanted fats from your body. Even if you drink normal water, ensure that you wait for 30 minutes after a meal before drinking water to get the maximum benefits.

Leads to Constipation

Drinking room temperature water is necessary for the digestive process, however, drinking chilled water can lead to constipation. The reason is when you drink chilled water, the food solidifies and hardens when passing through the body. The intestines also contract which is one of the major causes of constipation.

Last Few Words

Those were some of the reasons to avoid drinking chilled water. However, this doesn’t imply that you stop drinking water as it will cause more harm than good. Drink room temperature water to avoid the problems mentioned above and ensure that you have anRO water filter installed. With the increasing levels of pollution, it is equally important to pay special attention to the quality of water you are drinking. The water purifiers from KENT use a combination of different purification technologies to ensure that you drink 100% safe and clean drinking water. To find out more about the water purifier prices in India,