> Mitt Romney Attacks President Trump

Mitt Romney Attacks President Trump

Donald Trump has shrugged off the criticism of his presidency by Mitt Romney, the former Republican presidential candidate and incoming U.S. senator.
This comes just two days before Romney is sworn in as senator for Utah.    In a Washington Post essay, Romney suggested Trump was not fit to be president and has caused dismay around the world.
“The appointment of senior persons of lesser experience, the abandonment of allies who fight beside us, and the president’s thoughtless claim that America has long been a ‘sucker’ in world affairs all defined his presidency down,” he wrote.
President Trump in a twitter post lashed out at Romney, who stood and lost for the Republicans against Barack Obama in 2012.  

Here we go with Mitt Romney, but so fast! Question will be, is he a Flake? I hope not. Would much prefer that Mitt focus on Border Security and so many other things where he can be helpful. I won big, and he didn’t. He should be happy for all Republicans. Be a TEAM player & WIN!

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Mr Romney’s article has been widely discussed and covered across US media. Several outlets suggest that he was positioning himself to be Trump’s leading critic in Congress.

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